The On Purpose Podcast

Conversations that inspire, uplift, and benefit the listener. Host and producer Lynn Thompson welcomes authors, musicians, educators, philosophers, and new voices with stories and ideas to share. Episodes include discussion forums, featured guests with an audience, one-on-one conversations, and monologues. Many feature music thanks to Black Fedora with Sneaky Jazz (Zapsplat). In August 2024, Living on Purpose reached 20 years in the making! Launched as a radio talk show on CHLY in British Columbia (2004-2009), Living on Purpose has been a podcast since 2007 on numerous channels. The On Purpose Podcast (twin of Living on Purpose) has been available on Podbean since April 2020. Thanks for listening! Please scroll beyond the podcast tiles to learn more about Lynn Thompson and Living on Purpose Communications for editing audio projects, creative consulting, and collaborating with authors on their publishing journeys. Thank you!

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Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Talking on Eggshells: Soft Skills for Hard Conversations. A LinkedIn article from exactly eight years ago introduced Living on Purpose host Lynn Thompson to the prolific writer, speaker, and consultant, Sam Horn. And on the publication day of Sam's 10th book, Talking on Eggshells, published by New World Library, Lynn gets to welcome Sam as her guest. Mid-way through their conversational tour, they discover they both know Dewitt Jones, who is one of America’s top professional photographers and one of the most sought–after keynote speakers.
Sam Horn is the CEO of the Intrigue Agency, a positioning/messaging consultancy that helps people design and deliver TEDx talks (as she did with Dewitt), keynotes, funding pitches, and one-of-a-kind brands. She is also the CEO of the Tongue Fu! Training Institute, a trade-marked communication skills approach that teaches how to give and get respect at work, at home, online, and in public.
With her books published in 17 languages, Sam has had the privilege of speaking to more than half a million people worldwide, and her work has been featured in dozens of publications, including the NY Times, Forbes, Readers Digest, Fast Company, and Harvard Business Review. She has been interviewed on every major network, including NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, NPR, and MSNBC.
And now, Living on Purpose. Thank you, Sam!
Thanks to Black Fedora with Sneaky Jazz for the music weaving through this episode of Living on Purpose (the original of The On Purpose Podcast).

Sunday May 28, 2023

The author of the new book, 21 Mistakes Caregivers Make & How to Avoid Them, is Lynn Thompson's guest in this half hour tour of conversation. Toni Gitles navigating the caregiving journey with her mom by trial and error, figuring out the do’s and don’ts of caregiving almost completely on her own. As an only child and dutiful daughter, she put her mom’s care and quality of life as a top priority. They  lived life fully, expressed their love frequently, and created memories that she treasures today. The time Toni spent as a caregiver changed her life forever. At the end of their journey, she was able to say that she had no regrets. Her mom died peacefully February 20, 2017. She has written the guidebook that she wishes she had when she started the caregiving journey. Available September 20, 2023 through Spotlight Publishing House.
Thanks for writing your book and being a consultant. Your comprehensive manual will save people a lot of time and heartache.
—Jack Canfield
Author and Speaker, co-creator of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul ® series and co-author of The Success Principles TM

The Art of Departure

Saturday Apr 29, 2023

Saturday Apr 29, 2023

Welcoming the Living on Purpose Panel of five including two dozen other wisdom sharers and witnesses for this consideration of matters before, during, and after death of the physical body who gathered on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 for (edited) just under two hours.
Update May 31, 2023:
Bubble wands are for sale again in the Dollar Store. The other day, while walking down the aisle with my arms full of two dozen colorful wands, I got into a discussion with another customer about various bubble liquid formulas to refill empty wands. Finally, I said, "Well, I'm glad to have a fresh supply of them for my funeral." Startled, she said, "Oh, are you dying?" I replied, "Of course, aren't you?" Smiling, I added, "Well, I hope not soon. However, I like to keep lots on hand because you never know." She shook her head and repeated reflectively, "You never know, that's right. Well, it's a different way to look at it."
Most recent: Dying to Meet You, Art of Departure Nine
Art of Departure EightArt of Departure Seven
Art of Departure SixArt of Departure FiveArt of Departure FourArt of Departure ThreeArt of Departure TwoArt of DepartureArt of Departure Sampler
Thanks to Black Fedora with Sneaky Jazz for the music weaving through The On Purpose Podcast (Living on Purpose).

Thursday Mar 23, 2023

Sunday, March 26th, 2023, on Zoom was where it all happened with free valet parking is the time and place for a fast moving evening of story amid a supportive and warm writing community!
Several times a year, Joshua & Adam, the hosts of Notes On Your Notes (a podcast about the creative process and storytelling) bring that special community into an intimate Thursday evening class that focuses on story development and writing. Email for details on all things Notes On Your Notes.
Living on Purpose host Lynn Thompson wove together these spoken notes about the Spring Story Salon from conversations on their full talk and glimpse of the full talk. In June, Lynn posted "Keep Your Head Up," which was her contribution to the Salon event after Joshua and Adam welcomed her to join the storyteller dozen with an audience on Zoom adding comments in the chat. Joshua has been involved in the theater, film, and entertainment industry for almost three decades. His Nature Based Approach to the Creative Process has been transformative for him as a writer, actor, director, and story coach, allowing him to support any creative as he guides them through writing and performing their story in a variety of different mediums. His belief that "process brings results" has been the foundation of his unique approach to the creative arts.  Adam is a writer whose career began in journalism at NBC News. After journalism, he moved on to focus on his creative work, which included TV pilots, fiction, and on-stage personal storytelling. He is the author of The Creative Workbook, a process-based approach to setting and achieving bold creative goals. 
Lynn met Joshua and Adam through Ann Randolph and her online writing series, Your Story Matters, Unmute Yourself.
Thanks to Black Fedora with Sneaky Jazz for the music weaving through this episode of Living on Purpose (the original of The On Purpose Podcast).

Sunday Mar 19, 2023

Just under two hours about Book Promotion packed to the brim and overflowing with inquiring minds, abundant sharing, wise words, and practical insights woven throughout.
Thank you to everyone who attended. Here's an overview of voices featured and ears listening during the recording with host Lynn Thompson on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.
David Hancock, CEO and founder of Morgan James Publishing with appreciation for his e-book download gift, the insider free link that he shared with us on the call: Guerilla Marketing for Writers, 100 No-Cost, Low-Cost Weapons for Selling Your Work
Cathy Fyock, The Business Book Strategist, The Speaker Author: Sell More Books and Book More Speeches
Joshua and Adam from the podcast Notes On Your Notes swung by to talk about how to approach getting your work out in the world with authenticity and creativity.
Panel of authors, published, soon-to-be-published, and projects in progress.
Spotlight Publishing House (Becky Norwood was unable to attend our panel)
Elizabeth Brown, Toxic!: The Big Bad Wolf is Not a Fairy Tale!
Sandy Evenson, The Woo Woo Way
Sandy Levey-Lunden, I Just Want Peace
Tonya Pomerantz Sex, Self-Esteem & Sheer Stupidity: Surviving Your 20s and Beyond
Toni Gitles 21 Mistakes that Caregivers Make and How to Avoid Them
Bobbie Casalino-Lewis: The Expression ExpertSo That's What 70 Looks Like! The Essence of Aging Gracefully
Nancy Marshall Second Edition: A Dry Hate
​Nugget Press
Nancy Marshall
award-winning:​A Rattler’s Tale: When Wild Animals Encounter Humans
Shanti Arts Publishing ​
​Anne Ierardi, Award Winning Memoir Coming Alive ​
feather aka denise bertrand, Once Upon A Solar Time
Page Publishing
Neil Rogers Bar Tips: Everything I Needed To Know In Sales I Learned Behind the BarNightwood Editions
Andrew BinksStrip 
The Summer Between
Joanne Savoie-Malone, Power You Ahead to Your Job Search: 13 steps from your resume to your first 90 days
V R Brooks ChatGPT as a Guide For Weight Loss: How to prompt CHATGPT to get more hits and fewer misses for reliable weight loss advice
Yet to be chosen publisher
Dr. Linda Foster and Kim Locke, in editing processShattering the Trauma Trance: An Exploration of the Foster Care System in British Columbia
Plus a special shout out to Everett O'Keefe of Ignite Press who was my guest on the podcast in March 2022 with guests and an abundance of info for authors!

Notes On Your Notes glimpse

Thursday Mar 02, 2023

Thursday Mar 02, 2023

This 12-minute glimpse is an appetizer for the hour-plus version of Living on Purpose host Lynn Thompson speaking with Joshua & Adam, the hosts of Notes On Your Notes, a podcast about the creative process and storytelling.  Joshua has been involved in the theater, film, and entertainment industry for almost three decades. His Nature Based Approach to the Creative Process has been transformative for him as a writer, actor, director, and story coach, allowing him to support any creative as he guides them through writing and performing their story in a variety of different mediums. His belief that "process brings results" has been the foundation of his unique approach to the creative arts.  Adam is a writer whose career began in journalism at NBC News. After journalism, he moved on to focus on his creative work, which included TV pilots, fiction, and on-stage personal storytelling. He is the author of The Creative Workbook, a process-based approach to setting and achieving bold creative goals. 
You can check out the upcoming Notes On Your Notes spring story salon on Sunday, March 26th at 5 pm PT. It will feature a fast moving evening of story amid a supportive and warm writing community. You can join with this Zoom link! And several times a year, they bring that special community into an intimate Thursday evening class which focuses on story development and writing. Email for details.
Lynn met Joshua and Adam through Ann Randolph and her online writing series, Your Story Matters, Unmute Yourself.

Thursday Mar 02, 2023

Living on Purpose host Lynn Thompson welcomes this hour-plus tour of pondering with Joshua & Adam, the hosts of Notes On Your Notes, a podcast about the creative process and storytelling. Check out the appetizer version at 12 minutes in length. Joshua has been involved in the theater, film, and entertainment industry for almost three decades. His Nature Based Approach to the Creative Process has been transformative for him as a writer, actor, director, and story coach, allowing him to support any creative as he guides them through writing and performing their story in a variety of different mediums. His belief that "process brings results" has been the foundation of his unique approach to the creative arts.   Adam is a writer whose career began in journalism at NBC News. After journalism, he moved on to focus on his creative work, which included TV pilots, fiction, and on-stage personal storytelling. He is the author of The Creative Workbook, a process-based approach to setting and achieving bold creative goals. 
You can check out the upcoming Notes on Your Notes spring story salon on Sunday, March 26th at 5 pm PT. It will feature a fast moving evening of story amid a supportive and warm writing community. You can join with this Zoom link! And several times a year, they bring that special community into an intimate Thursday evening class which focuses on story development and writing. Email for details.
Lynn met Joshua and Adam through Ann Randolph and her online writing series, Your Story Matters, Unmute Yourself.
Thanks to Black Fedora with Sneaky Jazz for the music weaving through this episode of Living on Purpose (the original of The On Purpose Podcast).

Thursday Feb 23, 2023

In this forty-four minute conversation, learn about a creative, supportive community where voices are encouraged, held, and celebrated in this online writing workshop with award-winning writer and performer Ann Randolph who teaches and mentors in Your Story Matters – Unmute Yourself. Learn how Ann keeps challenging herself to grow and show up with solo shows and international in-person workshops. Ann loves community, creates community, and appreciates the assistance with Unmute from Jona, Rachel, Susan, and Lynn.
Lynn Thompson met Ann in Kauai just before New Year's Eve 2017 and began attending Unmute in February 2021. "Like the rudder in my sailboat, Unmute holds me steady and helped me find my voice to write myself through many adventures in the last two years."
Ann mentions Zander, "The Fool of Play," who she met at Lynn's Living on Purpose Playgram event on Kauai in mid-January 2018 just after the false missile alert.
Thanks to Black Fedora with Sneaky Jazz for the music weaving through this episode of Living on Purpose (the original of The On Purpose Podcast).

The Funeral Whisperer

Thursday Feb 23, 2023

Thursday Feb 23, 2023

In 2018, host Lynn Thompson heard about Valerie Bourdain in Expert Speaker by Majeed Mogharreban while transcribing the book from his webinar. Following some to and fro emails over these years, Lynn and Val finally spoke and you get to hear 24 minutes of that conversation now.  The Funeral Whisperer provides thoughtful and practical resources for preparing yourself and your loved ones for departing this life.
Val joined us for the Living on Purpose Panel on the Art of Departure on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.
Thanks to Black Fedora with Sneaky Jazz for the music weaving through this podcast.

Saturday Feb 18, 2023

Once Upon A Solar Time is published after evolving for 46 years growing with the author's creative imagination. Author and editor met in 1978, and had no idea their destiny would deliver them to collaborate on that epic novel so many years later.
Hear all about it in this forty-eight minute conversation with podcast host and editor Lynn Thompson speaking with feather aka Denise Bertrand mostly on a bench on a walking and bike path in the sunshine, February 12, 2023. A couple of excerpts were recorded later that same day and also a phone call on speaker near the end with feather's longtime friend Elaine with feedback on reading Once Upon A Solar Time.
With thanks to Black Fedora with Sneaky Jazz weaving through the words. Enjoy.


Lynn Thompson, Editor of Words and Audio

Living on Purpose Communications in Canada includes a podcast, audio editing, and collaborative editing of manuscripts for authors who appear as podcast guests! Podcast host and producer Lynn Thompson facilitates discussion forums, one-on-one conversations, monologues, and guest features. Lynn collaborates with numerous authors and their books of fantasy, historical fiction, future fiction, personal growth, how-to, and whimsy, from creative consultation in the developmental stage to final proofreading for publication. A guide with enthusiasm for drawing forth stories and polishing words to shine the author’s voice, Lynn enjoys the creative writing journey. For more information about being a podcast guest or developmental and collaborative editing, writing, and publishing, please email livingonpurposecommunications (at) to hear from Lynn.

 “As a first-time author, editing my novel was intimidating. Thanks to Lynn Thompson, it was a joyful and rewarding experience. Lynn is conscientious, organized, flexible, thorough, and professional. I feel very fortunate to have found someone who was also a kind, respectful, and supportive partner in preparing my book for publication. My novel is better because of Lynn’s contributions.”

—Kathryn Goodwin Tone, The King’s Broad Arrow (Germany/USA), Illustrator, Crystal Cregge. Winner, Juvenile Fiction, 2020 National Indie Excellence Awards

Finalist, 2020 Eric Hoffer Excellence in Independent Publishing Awards

Finalist, 2022 Young Adult Virginia Author Award

“Lynn transforms your literary work from good to great. She is organized, professional, and insightful.”

Derian Tuitt, Life Success Hacks: How to Use Simple Action to Achieve Anything You Imagine (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

“I have really come to appreciate and honor the way you poke, prod, encourage, and yes, sometimes drag me kicking and screaming to my greater potential.”  —Bobbie Casalino Lewis, Expression Expert and author, So That’s What 70 Looks Like! The Essence of Aging Gracefully (CA USA 2023)



Reviews for Dinner at God’s House

April 24, 2024 with Wellness Writers Press

Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Fiction

“This book is a must-read for those of us who feel and think and grind through the days knowing that with courage there can be peace. Even just for a minute. Dinner at God’s House is not just Lieman’s story. It belongs to all of us. A beautiful and raw story about healing and the choice to live in courage or fear.” —Lara Love Hardin, author of The Many Lives of Mama Love and four-time New York Times bestselling author

“Deeply moving and emotionally profound, Dinner at God’s House brings us face-to-face with the big questions of life and also helps us find the answers. This story will break you in two and break your heart, and then finally lead you to a better version of yourself.” —Lauren Sapala, author, speaker & creative guide

About the Author

Todd B. Lieman is a communications veteran with a passion for creating connections. As a storyteller, creative executive, and team builder, he has worked with brands, start-ups, influencers, and global events. Lieman considers some of his most purposeful work to be speaking at college campuses. His “Power of Connection” talk includes impactful stories and personal practices for the development of mindful self-alignment and individual connection. He wrote his novel, Dinner at God’s House as a metaphysical exploration of his journey to find courage and emotional peace. While it took him a while to accept walking as exercise, Lieman is happiest exploring new streets and trails or just throwing a ball to his dog in local parks. He lives in Northern California and readily admits that his wife and son are the true creative forces in his life.
“I started my book 25 years ago. Lynn was introduced to me by the publisher, like a gift from Fate, for the final proofreading after a year with other editors. I took all of Lynn’s suggestions because they made the book better.” —Todd B. Lieman, Dinner at God’s House, published by Wellness Writers Press, an imprint of Pure Ink Press

For anyone wondering what it’s like to collaborate with Lynn Thompson as an editor and writer, here are unsolicited, spontaneous testimonials from three of the numerous people on my team involved with preparing my book for publication with Spotlight Publishing House. —Sandy Levey-Lunden

From such modest beginnings when Angela and I began working on I Just Want Peace with Sandy, its completion and publication is breathtaking. Your painstaking editing has led to an incredible body of work and a wonderful read. —Gillian Hibbs

Lynn, you were an absolute JOY to work with! You show infinite patience and presence making me feel seen, heard, and valued! You have cultivated so much focus, but are always game to have fun! You are a super talented writer and diligent and detailed editor. Your awareness is unrivaled, yet you are unruffled. The way you honoured Sandy’s legacy and embraced every new person added to the team was phenomenal! Collaborating with you was a dream, we were so attuned, even over Zoom, it was like our minds merged in purpose and play-fullness! Knowing you is a true and beautiful Blessing! It’s so incredible what can be accomplished when a set of stellar communicators are led by a star like YOU, Lynn Thompson! —Kristi Birnie

A great tribute to you, Lynn. I concur with Kristi on how much infinite patience, presence, and passion you had for this book project throughout and how I felt seen and heard, grateful to learn some of the ins and outs of editing. I feel like a beginner’s mind in so many ways. Such attention to detail and making everything appear to be seamless, more fun, and just more than the sum of its parts that you tracked so well. It was a meaningful creative process that I secretly never wanted to end. But then we’d be denying the world of a great legacy book and to give Peace a better chance. Congratulations, Sandy and Team Peace! —Christina Ireland

I concur with everything Kristi said. You have shown infinite patience, Lynn, with all of us throwing in different edits, you have welcomed each and every one of us and responded with kindness. You are an awesome editor and have been a profound help to Sandy and her legacy book. Well done and thank you! —Sue Reynard

Listen to Sandy on the podcast


feather aka denise bertrand


Lynn Thompson is a most attentive, thorough, and enthusiastic editor. 


Anyone writing their first or tenth book would be lucky to have Lynn on their team. 


Her attention to detail is outstanding.


Her gentle and clever suggestions created an inspiring working atmosphere for me

as I completed my first novel.


Once Upon A Solar Time. 


I highly recommend Lynn as your editor. 


Listen to feather on the Living on Purpose podcast


The Woo Woo Way

"Cindy Childress, PhD, The Expert’s Ghostwriter, book-writing coach, and mentor, reawakened my love of storytelling and helped develop my writing style. Once we completed the developmental editing, I needed to find a copy editor. Who knew there was more than one kind of editing? My publisher, Becky Norwood of Spotlight Publishing House, introduced me to several copy editors to interview. I chose Lynn Thompson of Living on Purpose Communications.

"I thank Lynn for creating a collaborative approach in editing my book, chapter by chapter, line by line. With some of my lessons, she helped assemble bridges to connect ideas. Editing takes focused time,

so it’s great that we often laughed with abandon and talked aloud to Grammarly. There’s nothing better than a good belly laugh for healing. How perfect, since healing is the theme of my book."

—Sandy Evenson, Bestselling Author of The Woo Woo Way, in Spring 2023

Listen to Sandy on the Living on Purpose podcast




A Dry Hate - Second Edition


Published by Nugget Press with support from Spotlight Publishing House.


Nancy Marshall hopes that A Dry Hate will have a broad readership with adult discussion groups as well as in high school and college classrooms. She has a deep and abiding belief that by continuing to educate ourselves, to think and talk about ideas and events, we will become a more robust democratic society.


By opening ourselves to the interchange of ideas and knowledge, we will be more able to combat propaganda, lies, abuse of power, and threats of violence.


Listen to Nancy on the Living on Purpose podcast


Nancy says of editor Lynn Thompson:


“Lynn has been a fabulous, terrific, wonderful, irritating, fun-loving, imperfect, best-ever editor.

I am so grateful for all the work she’s done, and we’ve done together.”

June 2023


May 2024: A DRY HATE won first place as Best Novel with the Arizona Professional Writers!

November 2024: A DRY HATE won the first place award for BEST FICTION in 2024 from the Arizona Authors Association!


Publishing with Ignite Press in 2024

“When we began working together, I had a collection of blog entries, and I didn’t even know how to begin turning them into a book. You helped me to rearrange, rewrite, and polish these entries into a book I am proud of. Lynn, I really felt you were invested in my success and I enjoyed getting to know you. I will definitely work with you again!”                   

Danell TeNyenhuis Black, SUDDENLY, A Widow’s Story of Unexpected Loss and Healing

Listen to Danell on the Living on Purpose podcast


Leading us through details of her unexpected loss, the author expands the shock rippling through their large families into a depth of insight, memories, hope, and supportive guidance. I recommend this book for comfort and company through the loss of a spouse and holding steady as life continues in ways unimaginable before that moment. Big thanks for the author's courage in sharing her story!

Lynn Thompson



In memory of Mom and Dad who were always there for me. My bond with Mom reached new depths throughout the years I cared for her and as she expressed her incredible love for me.

Thanks to Denise M. Brown for your caregiver consultant training program and the many opportunities you provided, including giving me the foundation and tools to begin helping family caregivers. Thanks to my partner, Dennis, for your love, patience, support, and understanding while I wrote this book. Thanks to Junie Swadron, Theresa Wilbanks, and Lynn Thompson for your editorial guidance and encouragement and for making writing this book a fantastically fun journey. Like caregiving, writing a book is not a solo activity, and you each brought this message to life and gave it wings. It takes a community to write a good book. Steve Harrison, his coaching staff, and his group of authors provided education, guidance, and inspiration to keep me engaged and clear that my message is important and needs a voice. I greatly appreciate my first readers, Dennis Dulniak, Helen Carter, and Karen Briskey. A huge thank you to Maggie Morgan and Theresa Wilbanks for your marketing and social media expertise, and Becky Norwood, for all you and your staff accomplished to get my book published on time and with love and enthusiasm for this project.

Gratitude to all the caregivers I have met and coached. You validated over and over that this book and the information in it change lives. While the worries, mistakes, and concerns are real, you have created meaningful journeys through effective communication, asking for help, making memories, and celebrating with the loved ones in your care.

Listen to Toni on the Living on Purpose podcast

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